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The HOW of managing funds for SMEs

It’s commonly said that you manage well to grow big and not vice versa.

An SME must understand the art of Managing Men, Money, and Materials to be at their optimum utilization.

Below are the 6 tips I shared on the HOW of Managing funds for SMEs;


Securing & Managing Funds for SME’s

Had an amazing time speaking on “Securing & Managing Funds for SMEs “

One thing I first noted was that the aspect of securing the funds comes first before the management as you can only manage the funding that you have secured.

So we discussed 6 tips on the HOW of Securing funds and 6 tips on Managing funds;


Investment in knowledge pays the best interest… Benjamin Franklin

One of my personal goals this year is to attend leadership training online and offline.
The “Lagos Business School & CIS Academy Executive Training program on Board Leadership, Regulation, and Compliance Issues in the Securities and Investment Environment in Nigeria” has been a worthwhile investment for me.
Great Facilitators and Great Participants.

Below are just a few tips gained and I will like to share from the many I got;


A Fulfilling Career

Had a Great time on May 1st, where I spoke on “A Fulfilling Career “ at this Youth Colloquium event.

“Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; He shall not stand before mean men.”
Proverbs 22:29 KJV

Below are some of the few tips I shared;


Keep on, Keeping on…… ONE DAY IN THE NEAREST FUTURE.

Dear Professional Colleague,

I am happy to encourage you that ONE DAY IN THE NEAREST FUTURE, everything you are currently going through will all add up because you will look back and see that the dots connects perfectly.

You will look back and see that the current disappointments were ladders to your promotions.

You will look back and see that your pains have now become your gains.

You will see that your gory experiences will now become your stories of Glory.

You will see that the cross you bear will soon become your Crown.

You will look back and see that your current trials will soon become your testimony.

Keep on, keeping on.

Don’t give up on that idea.
Don’t give up on that next move.
Don’t give up on your dream to make a global impact in your industry.
Don’t give up on yourself and your family.
Don’t lose heart.
Don’t lose the courage to consistently touch base with your dreams because your dreams of a better life and a better career are still valid.

No matter how much you have failed, dust yourself and get back up, because those secret tears will soon become overwhelming joy.

Every great personality in history went through their journey and process. Accept it, enjoy it, and complete it.

Give it all the courage it takes, learn from all the experiences, gather as many skills as possible, invest in yourself greatly, and keep being productive.

You will need all the lessons learned in your valley times to sustain you for long in your mountain time because only Tough People outlast tough times.

Keep on, keeping on.

Yours sincerely,


Organization’s Strategy VS Personal Strategy

The Organization always has its strategy for profitability and productivity!!!!
What is your personal strategy in the organization?
What is your strategy on how to add value to the organization?
What is your strategy for your future in the organization?
What is your strategy for fulfilling your life purpose?
For you to enjoy work and feel fulfilled you must find your strategy inside the organization’s strategy.
If you find your personal strategy, then you can be more intentional about your actions and be more deliberate in making intelligent day-to-day decisions …
Yes, sometimes you may not be where you ought to be even with a strategy but then you can’t be where you use to be.
You would have grown.
The bottom line is that as the organization grows you also must grow in your personal life !!!
So, what is your personal strategy???

#strategy #future #productivity #work #professionaldevelopment #unitedcapitaltrustees #selfleadership



There is someone who had worked assiduously in a firm for over 3 years as contract staff and the management thought it wise to convert the person to permanent staff.
Alas, it was declined…Why?

The person did not have the required minimum certificate which is an HND … he didn’t think it was okay to develop his career capital coupled with too many personal excuses …he was retrenched after a while…The company HR policy couldn’t sustain an additional stay.

In our career life and purpose. May our opportunities never meet us unprepared.
What new skill and competence are you building? What future do you intend for yourself, what career capital have you acquired that can capture that future?

If you truly have a dream then let your steps of today show it.
Go for that degree course, acquire that professional qualification, go for that master’s, go for that training…once it’s in sync with your career path and future. GO FOR IT !!!!

Long ago I made a personal decision that no year leaves me the same in terms of capacity building

I have come across people willing to help another but the “help” seems not to be ready.

No one is to blame but yourself, not even your excuses

When Opportunity meets Preparation, Success is birthed.

May our opportunities not meet us unprepared!!



The Diaspora Trust is designed to provide secure, high-fidelity investing options for Nigerians in the diaspora including fund investments in Naira and Dollar-denominated instruments and the acquisition of all types of assets.
Confidentiality of the Trust and Assets are preserved
This product relieves the settlor of any stress and anxieties often experienced in undertaking investment back home while abroad.
Funds can either be invested in USD or Naira-denominated assets at the preference of the client.
The investment is assured in line with your mandate/instruction.
Flexible entry and exit options of Investment.

#investing #investment #wealthmanagement #wealth #financialplanning #money #funds #dollar #funds #dollar #finance #financialliteracy #investors



So I had a most Amazing time speaking to the students and faculty of the Department of Banking and Finance Covenant University on Fintech. #finance

Fintech is the way to go and it’s either you align or you are lined out.

I spoke about the need for Strategic collaborations and Symbiotic partnerships among students in the ICT, Computer science and Banking, Finance, Accounting, and Economics while on campus.

There is a need for more research and building think tanks that will drive this, for students in the universities to come up with several Fintech products that will meet the need of society.

I also spoke about the need to localize our Fintech languages, so that it communicates with the populace not only in English but in Yoruba, Igbo, and, Hausa.

This will in no small measure boost financial literacy and promote financial inclusion… If we can have our Bible in these languages then we can have Fintech products in our native languages which is our main identity.



Goals are good and they help us track our achievements and evaluate our progress in life…among other goals you should have in life one of the most important ones is the financial goal…it speaks to your past, affects your present, and influences your future decisions.

People make investments in line with their Risk appetite, expected returns, and financial goals… So, define these for yourself. Do not go into any investment without a purpose…it’s the purpose that keeps you motivated the most.

someone said living without a goal is living like a goat…you keep roaming around with no destination in mind…

If you don’t know where you are going anywhere will look like it, your capacity can deliver N500m per annum but the lack of financial goal is making you look fine at the level of delivering N50m per annum…SET SMART GOALS WITH A BIG PICTURE IN MIND.

So make networks to improve your net worth, and look for financial products and businesses to engage in that will help you achieve your financial goals.
#money #financialplanning #wealth #education #education #financialliteracy #wealthmanagement #financialservices #financialadvisor #personalfinance #people



They can be used as Long term investments for passive investors and short-term, quick gains for speculative investors who understand that it’s a risky asset with unlimited potential.
It offers:



A mutual fund’s risk and return are relative to the underlying investment product that make up the fund (e.g. if you invest in an Equity mutual fund you are open to the risk and return in that portfolio (which contains mainly shares )…
E.g if you invest in a money market fund, you are also open to the risk and return feature existing in the money market asset class which contains investments such as Fixed Deposits, Commercial paper, bills, etc.

The portfolio manager must make sure that the best investment decisions made are based on what is stated in the Trust Deed (This is a document that states basically how the fund will run, asset allocation and fees agreed)

Mutual fund investors are called unit holders and all mutual funds must have a Trustee by regulation…The Trustee firm acts in the eyes of the unit holders and makes sure the portfolio managers are doing the right thing in favor of the fund and unit holders to make good returns for the unit holders.
Mutual funds are regulated by SEC and managed by Asset Management Firms.

Do you know that investing in mutual funds doesn’t take much, you can invest in mutual funds even if you have N5,000.00.

The mutual fund also encourages the individual saving culture habit while also encouraging capital formation (This is the pooling of investment funds that’s channeled into boosting the economy of the nation e.g especially bond funds investors which are long term in nature, the firm or government you are investing utilizes the funds to engage in activities that will grow the economy in various ways all things being equal).
#financialplanning #investing #wealthmanagement #money #wealth #financialadvisor #financialliteracy #personalfinance #financialservices #investments #economy #money #impactinvesting


NSE Triggers "Circuit Breaker" As ASI Rise Beyond 5% - Investment - Nairaland

YES…The Nigerian Stock Exchange is picking up in a quantum leap dimension…

So…Capital market is the answer for now…
Take positions carefully.
Remember the evergreen financial principle…The higher the risk, the higher the return.
Look for good fundamentals on stocks you want to fill your portfolio with.
Don’t be too greedy and don’t be too fearful.


May the bulls WIN !!! May the bears WIN !!!! May we all WIN !!!!!
#investing #equities #stocks #wealthmanagement #financialadvisor #financialplanning #financialliteracy #personalfinance



They are generally less risky.
Income or returns are guaranteed
The principal Capital invests preserved throughout the investment tenor.
Its a Market for trading short-term transactions
( Investments with a maximum tenor of 1 year).

Examples of such investments are; Fixed Term Deposits, Treasury Bills, Commercial Papers, Bankers’ Acceptance, etc



“There should be more sensitivity and awareness campaigns on financial education by the Government and the various financial institutions in a bid to also capture the rural population and the need for simplified teaching techniques to enable those who are not fully educated to understand the message being passed across and the encouragement of the economic participants to utilize financial institutions and their products maximally”

“The faintest pen….last longer than the sharpest memory”

Always budget on Paper

Make a habit of writing down how you want to spend that inflow.
Say no to impulse buying (this is a subtle poverty trap), emotions are not a friend of money management… reasoning logically is better in helping you manage personal finances.

Any floating amount will easily float out of your hands… if it’s not planned for it will vanish with any item…

Sometimes not every important item is urgent…don’t rush yourself unnecessarily

Know how to differentiate between needs and wants.

Live a planned financial life you cant meet all financial needs at once.



Yes, it’s best to make investing a habit rather than an event…i.e Don’t always wait till you have a lump sum before you start investing.

Is also in your very best interest to have a purpose for every investment you are making.

What are your financial goals in the short-term, medium, and long-term?

It’s often said that when purpose isn’t known abuse is inevitable….

it’s possible to misspend your funds on wrong priorities or sometimes on unnecessary impulsive expenditures because you know it’s always there to be liquidated and you are conscious of the ease of access to getting your funds.

Purposeful investing will help streamline your risk appetite, expected returns, and Investment objectives… So, define these for yourself. Do not go into any investment without a Purpose…
it is the Purpose that keeps you motivated the most.

Purpose encourages discipline.

#financialplanning #financialplanning #personalfinance #wealthmanagement #financialservices #financialadvisor #financialliteracy #investing #money #financialfreedom


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